Fiscal, Demographic, and Performance Data on California’s K-12 Schools

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Articles and Explanations

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Using and Sharing Ed-Data Graphs

There are many ways you can share the data and information you find on Ed-Data. This article provides some tips on using the new functionality.

How to Create District or School Comparisons

Get a step-by-step explanation of how to use Ed-Data's powerful comparison tools to view data for multiple schools or districts in one place.

Understanding the Ethnic Diversity Index

This article explains why Ed-Data calculates an Ethnic Diversity Index and the formula for doing so. 

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About California's K-12 Education System

How Students are Counted

The state uses different student counts for different reporting functions. Learn more about how Census Day enrollment, cumulative enrollment and Average Daily Attendance are collected and used. 

Changes to California's K-12 Education System

The convergence of several major reforms is dramatically altering California's public K-12 education landscape.

Cohort Graduation and Dropout Data

In 2015-16, the state changed how graduation and dropout data are recorded. This article explains more about that change and where you can find the data. 

Standardized Tests in California

Learn more about the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress ( CAASPP) System and Smarter Balanced tests.

Charter Schools in California

What began as a small experiment in 1993 - when 29 charter schools opened - has grown into a significant alternative system within California's K-12 public schools, with more than 1,000 schools serving more than half a million students.

Teachers in California

In California, almost 296,000 teachers worked in public school classrooms in 2014-15, compared to more than 310,000 in 2007-08, the year before the recent national economic crisis first hit.

Chronic Absenteeim

Students who miss more than 10% of days in the school year are considered chronically absent, a leading cause of students falling behind academically. Learn more about how these data are collected and where to find them on Ed-Data. 

About California's Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS)

This article explains California's statewide student data system, its background, purpose, and future enhancements.


School Finance in California

Understanding the Local Control Funding Formula

This article provides a quick explanation of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), California's new school finance system.  

Using the Financial Reports on Ed-Data

Ed-Data financial reports enable you to access financial information for school districts and county offices of education in a variety of ways, including 5-year-trend graphs and the ability to share, download, and print the reports.

School District Bond and Tax Elections

This article provides an overview of local revenue elections in California, which provide an important way for school districts to raise funds to support programs and maintain and build facilities.

School Finance Chronology

A chronology of key lawsuits, voter approved initiatives and legislation that shaped California's K-12 school finance system.

About fund accounting

This article explains "fund accounting," the system used by California school districts to report their finances. 

California Lottery

In November 1984 voters approved the California State Lottery as a new source of revenue for California. A minimum of 34% of annual lottery sales revenues must be distributed to public schools

Negotiating Teachers' Contracts in California

This article provides a brief explanation of how school districts and teachers negotiate salaries, benefits and hours worked. 

Proposition 13

A brief overview of Proposition 13 and implementing legislation, which  caused a shift in support for schools from local property taxes to state general funds.

Proposition 98

A constitutional amendment approved by voters in November 1988 that sets a guarantee of minimum funding for K-12 schools and community colleges. 


About Ed-Data

Terms Of Service

The Ed-Data website is designed to offer educators, policy makers, the Legislature, parents, and the public quick access to timely and comprehensive data about K-12 education in California.

The Ed Data Partnership

Ed-Data is a partnership of the California Department of Education (CDE), EdSource and Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team (FCMAT).








Academic Performance Index (API)

Actual v. Funded ADA

Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)

Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate (ACGR)

Advanced Placement (AP)

AFDC (AFDC Report)

Alternative Schools

Alternative Schools Accountability Model (ASAM)

American Indian or Alaska Native


Authorizing LEA

Average Class Size

Average Daily Attendance (ADA)

AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination)